Sarper Türkdoğan`la Uzay Yolculuğu
  2009 SPACE

WASHINGTON  -- It won't be your imagination if the moon looks bigger and brighter Friday night, like "a cosmic flood lamp."

NASA says the moon will appear up to 14 percent larger and 30 percent brighter.

NASA says the moon will appear up to 14 percent larger and 30 percent brighter.

Every few years, a full moon coincides with the point in the satellite's elliptical orbit that brings it closest to the center of the Earth. Friday night, the moon will be fully illuminated just four hours after reaching that point, according to a feature story on the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's Web site.

The moon will appear up to 14 percent larger and 30 percent brighter than "lesser full moons we've seen earlier in 2008," NASA says -- provided it is being viewed in a clear sky.

At the moon's closest approach -- the orbital perigee -- it is about 30,000 miles (48,000 kilometers) closer to Earth than at the other extreme -- the apogee -- the space agency says.

The full moon, as always, will seem largest when it is near the horizon, as it rises and sets, "but it's really just an optical illusion," said NASA spokesman J.D. Harrington.

When the moon shines directly overhead, he said, it's hard to tell the difference in size.

On its Web site, NASA notes that "for reasons not fully understood by astronomers or psychologists, low-hanging moons look unnaturally large when they beam through trees, buildings and other foreground objects."

"If you go outside around midnight," NASA says, the moon "will be close to overhead and act like a cosmic flood lamp."

As the moon goes through its orbit every month, the distance from its center to the center of the Earth averages about 239,000 miles (384,600 kilometers). Friday evening the distance will be about 222,000 miles (357,300 kilometers).

An alignment of the full moon and the orbital perigee occurs at most once in 1½ years, and Harrington says this year's phenomena shouldn't be much different from previous ones. The moon's brightness always varies with its distance from Earth, but having the full face of the moon illuminated emphasizes that variation.

The close approach of the moon and having the moon, Earth and Sun lined up -- as happens twice a month -- bring higher-than-normal ocean tides, so it is no surprise that having both at once means even higher tides.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration says the difference will be minimal. In most places the tide will be just an inch or so (a few centimeters) higher than normal "spring" tides, those that come with the new or full moon. Some locations might see a difference of up to 6 inches (15 centimeters), it says.

Uydudan gelen korkunç veri

Uydudan gelen korkunç veri
Küresel ısınma her gün yeni doğal felaketlere yol açıyor. Ama uydudan geçen bu veriler çok daha ürkütücü.


Amerikan Ulusal Havacılık ve Uzay Dairesi'nin (NASA) yeni uydu verilerine göre, Grönland, Antarktika ve Alaska'da 2003'ten bu yana 2 trilyon tondan fazla buzul erdi.

Bilim adamlarının küresel ısınmaya ilişkin son veriler olarak nitelediği bulguların, NASA'nın GRACE uydusunun ölçümlerine dayandığı belirtildi.

NASA'da görevli jeofizik uzmanı Scott Luthcke, uydunun buz ölçüm verilerine göre son beş yıl içindeki kara buzulları kaybının yarısından fazlasının Grönland'da meydana geldiğini kaydetti.

Luthcke, Grönland'daki buzulların 2008 yazındaki verilerinin henüz tamamlanmadığını ancak bu yılki buz kaybının, hala çok önemli olmakla birlikte 2007'deki kadar ağır çıkmayacağını söyledi.

Alaska'daki durumun daha iyi olduğunu ifade eden Lutchke, 2005'deki büyük azalmanın ardından kara buzullarının 2008'de, kışın yoğun kar yağışı nedeniyle biraz arttığını belirtti. Luthcke, Alaska'nın NASA uydusunun ölçümlere başladığı 2003'ten bu yana 400 milyar ton kara buzulunu kaybettiğini ifade etti.

Bilim adamları iklim değişikliğine ilişkin değerlendirmelerinde genel bir eğilime karar vermek için genellikle birkaç yıla bakıyor.
NASA'dan bilim adamlarının son bulguları perşembe günü San Francisco'da düzenlenecek Amerikan Jeofizik Birliği konferansında sunmayı planladığı bildirildi.

Dünyanın manyetik zırhında 2 çatlak

güncellenme zamanı 18.12.2008

Dünyayı, güneşteki patlamaların yaydığı yüklü parçacıkların bombardımanına karşı koruyan manyetik alanda 2 büyük çatlak olduğu belirlendi

Bilim adamları, uzun zamandan beri dünyayı uzayın kötü hava olaylarından koruyan manyetik alanın aşırı hava cerayanına açık, kırık dökük eski bir eve benzediğinin farkındaydı. Amerikan Uzay ve Havacılık Dairesi NASA’ya ait 5 küçük uydudan oluşan “Themis”  filosunun yaptığı son gözlemler ise, dünyanın manyetik alanında zaman zaman ortaya çıkan 2 büyük çatlak oluştuğunu ortaya koydu.
Çatlaklardan güneş fırtınalarının ürettiği ve hızı saatte 1.6 milyon km’ye ulaşan yüklü parçacıklar geçerek atmosferin yüksek katmanlarını deliyor.
Themis geçen yaz, dünyanın manyetosferinin en dış kesiminde güneşten fırlayan partiküllerin oluşturduğu tabakanın kalınlığını 6 bin 400 kilometre olarak hesapladı. Bunun manyetik zırhta şimdiye kadar keşfedilen en büyük yırtılma olduğu kaydedildi.
California Üniversitesi’nden bilim adamı Marit Oieroset, yırtılma için “Çok hızlı genişliyor” açıklamasını yaptı. Güneşin yaydığı manyetik fırtına ve yüklü partiküller yere ulaşınca uydu ve yer haberleşmelerini olumsuz etkiliyor.

Bright Idea
The New York Times


Dreamers and Doers

Today’s students have heard more about Bill Gates than F.D.R. They thrive on speed, and love to innovate. Not surprising, entrepreneurship education is booming.

Who Owns Your Great Idea?

That depends. Where did you have it and whom did you brainstorm with?




“Make it new,” Ezra Pound told young writers in the last century. These days, it’s everyone’s mantra — ask the Big Three executives in Detroit or the president-elect. He made “homegrown innovation” a cornerstone of his campaign. But students don’t need the rhetorical push. On campuses across the country, they have been building practical inventions, starting novel businesses and generally alpha-testing their ideas. Here are a few.

Business to Business

Uzayda görülmedik şiddette patlama



NASA’nın geçen yıl 11 Haziran’da uzaya gönderdiği, “Fermi” teleskobu, evrende daha önce görülmemiş şiddette bir gama ışını patlamasını tespit etti.


Science dergisinde yayımlanan bildiride, astrofizikçilerin hesaplamalarına göre, Karina takımyıldızında  Eylül 2008’de  meydana gelen patlamanın, aynı anda meydana gelen yaklaşık 9 bin süpernova patlamasına eşdeğer olduğu belirtildi. GRB 080916C adı verilen patlamada açığa çıkan maddenin hemen hemen ışık hızında olduğu bildirildi. Patlama, yaklaşık 12.2 milyar ışık yılı mesafede meydana geldi.

Uzayda görülmedik şiddette patlama

güncellenme zamanı  21.2.2009
Sen de etiket ekle!


NASA’nın geçen yıl 11 Haziran’da uzaya gönderdiği, “Fermi” teleskobu, evrende daha önce görülmemiş şiddette bir gama ışını patlamasını tespit etti.


Science dergisinde yayımlanan bildiride, astrofizikçilerin hesaplamalarına göre, Karina takımyıldızında  Eylül 2008’de  meydana gelen patlamanın, aynı anda meydana gelen yaklaşık 9 bin süpernova patlamasına eşdeğer olduğu belirtildi. GRB 080916C adı verilen patlamada açığa çıkan maddenin hemen hemen ışık hızında olduğu bildirildi. Patlama, yaklaşık 12.2 milyar ışık yılı mesafede meydana geldi.


Rocket launch prompts calls of strange lights in sky

  • Story Highlights
  • Dozens in Northeast report seeing cone-shaped lights in sky
  • NASA says lights came from exhaust particles of research rocket
  • Black Brant XII rocket will study highest clouds in Earth's atmosphere
updated 3 hours, 42 minutes ago
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(CNN) -- A series of spooky lights above parts of the northeastern United States Saturday sparked a flurry of phone calls to authorities and television news stations.

NASA said strange lights seen in the Northeast on Saturday were caused by an experimental rocket.

NASA said strange lights seen in the Northeast on Saturday were caused by an experimental rocket.

CNN affiliate stations from New Jersey to Massachusetts heard from dozens of callers who reported that the lights appeared as a cone shape shining down from the sky.

However, the lights were the result of an experimental rocket launch by NASA from the agency's Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia, a spokesman told CNN.

Keith Koehler said the Black Brant XII Suborbital Sounding Rocket was launched to study the Earth's highest clouds. The light came from an artificial noctilucent cloud formed by the exhaust particles of the rocket's fourth stage about 173 miles high.

Natural noctilucent clouds, also called "polar mesospheric clouds," are "found in the upper atmosphere as spectacular displays that are most easily seen just after sunset," according to a NASA statement published earlier in September. "The clouds are the highest clouds in Earth's atmosphere, located in the mesosphere around 50 miles altitude."

Normally, noctilucent clouds are not visible to the naked eye and can only be seen when illuminated by sunlight below the horizon. The launch took place at 7:46 p.m. Saturday, just as the sun was setting for the day.

Observation stations on the ground and in satellites will track the artificial noctilucent clouds created by the rocket for months, NASA said.

"Data collected during the experiment will provide insight into the formation, evolution, and properties of noctilucent clouds, which are typically observed naturally at high latitudes.

"In addition to the understanding of noctilucent clouds, scientists will use the experiment to validate and develop simulation models that predict the distribution of dust particles from rocket motors in the upper atmosphere," the NASA statement said.

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NASA crashes rocket into moon

Published On Fri Oct 9 2009
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This artist's conception shows NASA's LCROSS spacecraft and its Centaur rocket separating before crashing into the moon. Friday's "moon bombing" will help confirm once and for all that there is water on the moon.

Courtesy of NASA

NASA scientists broke into relieved applause at 7:37 this morning as they watched their rocket smack into the surface of the moon.

A female voice, betraying just a touch of excitement, announced: "We have a thermal signature of the crater" meaning the rocket had hit on target.

NASA broadcast the whole event on live screaming TV.

The mission, which is hoping to find some evidence of water ice on the moon, is dedicated to the late American broadcaster Walter Cronkite.

The rocket hit the surface at more than 10,000 kilometres per hour. The thermal signature broadcast afterwards showed, as one scientist put it, "big squiggles and little squiggles" that pinpointed warm and colder spots — all of which would be analyzed.

The experiment has been carefully designed to throw up maximum debris, the scientists said. If they don't find water, it could mean there is no water, it's too hard to find and extract or that it's in patches and the rocket hit a dry patch.

NASA guided its Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite – LCROSS, for short – to near the craggy grey surface and then released its Centaur booster rocket into the moon's floor. Scientists kept monitoring to see a cloud of debris, which would be photographed by LCROSS and measured minutes later when the satellite passes through plume.

As amateur astronomer Jerry Hilburn of the San Diego Astronomy Association told "It's not everyday that NASA smashes stuff into the moon."



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  • President Obama must decide how long to fund the international space station
  • NASA's funding of the space station is currently sche
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